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说农田:/ Agriculture idea:路况共享app

vewin 发表于 2015-7-31 11:19:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Creative Name: Road sharing app

Creative composition: mobile phone, app

技术原理:登录app后,app自动定位用户所在的城市和行走路线,用户拍照功能拍下当前路况(1-2张车子正前方的行车情况),app就会自动分析路况,然后在app上面显示出这条路的拍照那个时刻的路况综合分析结果。如此,各大路段的用户都 这么操作,就基本上弄清楚了这个城市的某些时刻的交通情况。app会10分钟更新一次所有路段的交通情况,如果某个更新时刻点的某些路段没人分享路况,就会在用户搜索该路段的时候,只显示最近一次更新的路况,并通过某种方式通告用户哪些路段目前数据滞后,请当前在那些路段的用户提供数据。
Technology principle: after login app, APP automatically locate users in the city and walking route, the user to take pictures of the current road conditions (1-2), app will automatically analyze the road, and then on the app show this road to take pictures of the time of the comprehensive analysis results. So, the users of the major sections of the operation, it is clear that some of the city's traffic situation. App will be 10 minutes to update the traffic situation in all sections of the road, if a certain section of the update moment no person to share the road, will be in search of the section of the road, only to show the latest update of the road, and through a certain way to inform users of what sections of the current lag, please present in those sections of the user to provide data.

Economic benefits: app can according to the user to submit the route, integrated the traffic situation of the major sections, and then produce a best walking route, so that you can most quickly and the best way to reach the goal. All users involved in the resource update, you can get free access to the best route to push information, that is, the road providers can use app to customize their current best driving route. There is no doubt that the user does not provide traffic, will have to spend a certain amount of money to buy their own, the best route"

灵感来源:上班,做事,赶点遇到塞车是很头痛的事,能不能在当时当刻迅速的找到一个不塞车的最好方案??路况app 帮你忙!
Source of inspiration: work, work, drive met with a traffic jam is very troublesome thing, not at the time when the moment quickly find a traffic jam was not the best solution? App help you!

Technical and functional improvement to technical staff and product managers to do.


使用道具 举报

sky白木 发表于 2015-8-2 11:21:02 | 显示全部楼层
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